We. Us. You. Me.

Isn’t it frustrating how fickle we can be? How timid and afraid and unsure?

Sometimes, I sit back and think, “why?”
And what a loaded question that proves to be.

I feel it’s safe to say that 9/10 times, we know what we want, but no matter how outgoing and/or fearless we are, we don’t go after it because fear holds us back. Fear of the questions:

What if I’m wrong?
What if I’m judged?
What if I regret it?
What if it falls through?
What if I get my heart broken?

What if…it’s all of the above?

But my biggest question is why are we so fearful? So what if we’re wrong, SO WHAT if it doesn’t pan out.


Take risks, chase opportunity, tell her you care, tell him you want him, apply for that job, be honest with that one person.

Just do. Don’t question. We all know life’s too short, right?


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